M.B.B.S., B.J. Medical College, Pune, 1991 (Ist Class)
M.S (ORTHO), Sancheti Institute For Orthopaedics And Rehabilitation, Pune, January 1996
D.N.B., Sancheti Institute For Orthopaedics And Rehabilitation, Pune, June 1996 (Examination – National Board Of Examinations, New Delhi)
Fellowsip in Spine Surgery with Prof. Jeurgen Harms at Klinikum Karlsbad langensteinbach, Germany in 2005
Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Spine surgery at national University Hospital, Singapore in 2007
Prizes & Awards
Distinction in Physiology & Biochemistry in 1st year, M.B.B.S.
Dr. Kasbekar award for first rank in Biochemistry in Pune University
Clinical Experience
Registrar – July’96 to Aug’96, Rajawadi Municipal Gen. Hospital, Ghatkopar, Mumbai.
Registrar – Aug. 96 to Jan.97, Rajawadi Municipal Gen. Hospital, Ghatkopar, Mumbai. (Sr. Consultants – Dr. C.T.Shah, Dr. M.G.Yagnik, Dr. A.J.Shah )
Clinical Assistant – Mar. 97 to May. 98, P.D. Hinduja National Hosp.& Med. Research Centre, Mumbai. (Sr. Consultants – Dr. S.Agarwal, Dr. S.Y.Bhojraj, Dr.K.T.Dholakia, Dr. Bavadekar )
Clinical Assistant – June 98 to Feb.99, Breach Candy Hosp. & Med. Research Centre, Mumbai. (Sr. Consultants – Dr.K.T.Dholakia, Dr. JCN Joshipura, Dr. K.V.Chaubal ).
Lecturer – March 99 till January 2002, BYL Nair Hospital & TN Medical College. (Sr. Consultants – Dr. A.N. Parekh, Dr. S.V. Shah )
Consultant Spine Surgeon at Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune from January 2002.
Associate Professor and In charge of Spine Surgery at Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics Rehabilitation, Pune since January 2003 to November 2007
Successfully performed more than 350 surgeries per year which includes complex surgeries like scoliosis, kyphosis, high grade listhesis, revision surgeries, spondylectomies and vertebrectoies for tumors, denerative spinal conditions etc.
Present attachments
Oyster and pearl hospital
Ruby hall clinic
Hardikar hospital
Jahangir Hospital
Poona hospital
Ruby hall wanawadi
Lokmanya Hospital Nigdi
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate teacher from July 1994 to December 1995 at Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, Pune.
Postgraduate and undergraduate teacher form Feb. 1996 to July 1996 at Sancheti Institute.
Undergraduate teacher from August 1996 to January 1997 at Rajawadi Hosptial.
Lecturer in Orthopaedics (postgraduate and undergraduate) at Nair Municipal Gen. Hospital.
Visiting lecturer for M.S.C. Nursing students at L.T. Nursing college, Mumbai.
Lecturer for Occupational therapy and physiotherapy at Nair Gen. Hospital.
Associate Professor and post graduate guide for M.S. Orthopaedics at Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation since January 2003
Visiting Professor for College of Physiotherapy, S I O R, Pune
“Meyer’s procedure of muscle pedicle bone grafting treatment of displaced fractures of neck femur” – published in “Orthopaedics Update (India)” vol. 7, No.2, December 1997.
“Box Osteotomy” – A new technique of proximal tibial osteotmy for osteoarthritic knee joint, published in the journal of “Orthopaedics and Traumatology” (German and English edition), August 2001 issue.
“Management of chronic osteomyelitis”- Physician’ Journal, October 1997.
“Orthopaedic surgery and Rheumatic disease” – published in Journal of General Medicine, April 2000.
“Serpentine osteotomy as prophylactic treatment of high risk prepseudarthrotic tibia” published in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Aug, 2000 issue.
“Pirogoff’s amputation : a viable option in developing countries” – published in orthopaedics update (India), March 2000 issue.
“Orthopaedic surgery in HIV positive patients” – published in journal of Indian practitioners, March 2000.
“Osteoporosis – aetiopathology and management” – published in journal of General Medicine, January 2001 issue.
“Use of recombinant erythropoetin in major orthopaedic surgeries to reduce the need of preoperative blood transfusion” – published in Indian Journal of Surgery, January 2002
“End plate lesions – diagnostic challenge” – published in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, June 2006 issue,
‘Multiple osteotomies for malunion of long bones in battered babies’ – published in international Joural ‘ Injury’ on line.
‘Management of acute spinal cord injureies – recent advances’ – published in Journal of Indian practitioners, ay 2007.
Papers Presented
“Pirogoff’s amputation : a viable option in developing countries” – presented at MOACON 97, State Orthopaedic conference at Nasik in October 1997.
“Intraosseous disc prolapse : A diagnostic puzzle” – presented at Association of Spine Surgeon’s of India Conference at Patna in January 1998.
“Cemented total knee replacement” – second author, presented at first Asia-pacific arthroplasty conference at Delhi in October 1999.
“Reconstruction surgery for solitary plasmacytoma of spine” – presented at Western India Regional conference at Mumbai in December 1999.
“Planning of TKR” – presented at the arthroplasty workshop at Mumbai organized by Depuy. & J & J in April 2000.
“Pathologies of Sacroiliac joints” – presented at the meeting of all India association of physiotherapists in June 2000.
“Reconstruction spinal surgery in plasmacytoma of spine” – presented at the MOA-CON in October 2000 at Pune.
“Interfragmentary screw fixation” – presented at annual fracture fixation workshop at L.T. Hospital & Medical college, Sion in July 2001
“Lag screw and tension band wiring” – presented at L..T. hospital, Sion in jAugust 2002.
“Anterior vertebral reconstruction in Pott’s spine” – at State Orthopaedic Conference in Solapur, November 2002.
Segmental instrumentation in scoliosis correction – presented at maharashtra orthopaedic Association conference at Goa in October 2003
Study of Root Block Injections in Lumbosacral radiculopathy – presented at Goa, October 2003
Correction of severe scoliotic deformities using moss-Miami instrumentations – at Indian Orthopaedic association Conference at Agra, December 2004
Presented numerous papers on spine surgery in conferences and C M E s of local and state level
Delivered lecture on Scoliosis Surgery in Neurosurgery conference in July 2005 at Poona Hospital
Faculty member in the last 2 years for various orthopaedic and spine conferences
Managemnt of vertebral tumors – ASSICON 2006 at Ahmedabad
Conducted workshop on spinal fixaton at Goa Medical College –January 2006
Conducted advanced fixation workshop for spine in June 2007 at Symbiosis, Pune
Course Director for Spine Update 2007 at Sancheti Hospital which had international and national faculty
Faculty member during ICS meeting of ASSI at Goa in August 2007
Course Director for the CME on Cervical Disc Replacement in September 2007
Surgical management of Non idiopathic scoliosis – presented at IOACON 2007 at Kolkata
Correction of thoracolumbar kyphosis – presented at IOACON 2007 at Kolkata
Fellowships in Spine Surgery
Visited Kung Hee University Hospital , Seoul, South Korea for 3 months in 2001
Visited Klinikum Karlsbad Langensteinbach, Karlsruhe and Orthozentrum, Munich in Germany with Prof. Jeurgen Harms and Prof. Myers for 6 weeks in August 2005
Fellowship for minimally invasive spine surgery at National University Hospital, Singapore in December 2006
International attachment – as a consultant spine surgen in Muskat Naurobi kenia.